Thursday, November 3, 2011

Time to Get Real

Well....a couple of months ago, Riverguy wished you a good summer -- and I hope it did turn out to be a good one for you.

Now, as we get deeper into Fall, reality is beginning to creep in. The Japanese nuclear triple meltdown didn't go away -- it just seems that way, because the news media refuses to cover it. They can get away with it, because the really bad effects from it are longer term. Riverguy isn't going to dwell on the outcome for you -- you'll need to do your own research. Let's just say it isn't pretty.

Who cares anyway, right? The collapse of the world economy is getting less coverage than the collapse of Kim Kardashian's marriage. Well, you're going to care if Greece defaults on its obligations. The effects will be felt not just at the international level, but in your own finances as well. Things could spiral out of control.

And while all of this is going on, also keep an eye on the Mideast. Storm clouds are gathering around Iran...more trouble is brewing.

By now you're probably thinking..."Riverguy, you're being a real downer. Why should I concern myself with this stuff...its out of my hands...there's nothing I can do about it, anyway." Wrong!! You can do this: 1) Get informed about what's going on. 2) Start to care what happens - if you have kids, you should give a damn about what is happening in the world 3) Demand that the news media cover the important stories -hound them on their web site's "comments" area, and visit alternative sites. 4) Hold your elected officials accountable. Make them take address the tough issues, and make your own views known.

Hey...that Kardashian thing is really something, right?

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