It is a time-honored tradition in Toms River....people claiming a spot along Main Street days before the parade, by placing chairs, benches, even a sofa, along the route. This year the authorities have seen fit to remove them, only allowing chairs to be put along the street after noon of the day before the parade.
Riverguy understands that yes, when the wind blows, some of the chairs can become a hazard, and yes, the sidewalk can get a little squeezed. However, in my view, the chair phenomenon actually creates a "buzz" for the parade...people driving through the town see the chairs and get a sense of the keen anticipation that people have for the parade. People talk about seeing Main Street, fully lined with chairs, many days before the event. The speak of it with some degree of amazement.
Like it or not, "chair placing" has become a part of the parade ritual, and we'd better be careful about diminishing it. Riverguy hears people complaining all the time that holidays and events "aren't what they used to be" and "the fun is going out of things" etc.For the sake of tradition, and just plain fun, can't we for once resist the urge to "regulate" an event?
The Town /County is always looking for money. All they have to do is issue a license to place the chairs, for a fat fee of course.
I'm a TR resident & agree w Smiling Senior! Maybe the $$$ collected from these hogs could go towards our policemen's pension plan or extra pay for policemen’s JOB WELL DONE. I'm sure they don't get paid enough for the amount of work they have to do to keep this town good for its citizens. I've always felt comfortable living in this town. That's hard to find anymore.
This Halloween tradition is fantastic but I can also see the police's dilemma. Solution should be brought up for a vote on the next presidential voting day. My kids have walked in this parade many years, w the Scouts & it's been a great honor. Problem is we (their parents) could never find a good place to sit & see our kids in the parade. By the time we were able to find a seat all was full. Most of the time, the kids were towards the beginning of the parade so we could have watched but we'd usually end up going home & watch it on TV. Thank you for the TV coverage! There's no place for the kids to see, standing behind so many people. (This is not a complaint, just a fact.)
I realize & understand there aren't many options. I've been very impressed w the TR Police Dept. I've lived all over this world (husband is retired military) & we chose TR to live in because of it’s low crime rate (especially gangs). My kids have gone through most of their schooling here. TR residents are very supportive of each other & this parade is only 1 example. HOOOOAHHHHH for Toms River!!!!!!!!!
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