I don't know about everybody else, but I'm still seeing tons of drivers around Toms River talking with cell phones up to their ears. With hands-free kits and bluetooth (those funny bug-like ear inserts), there's really no excuse to still hold the phone up to your ear. The law has changed but people's habits haven't.
What's worse, I've actually seen people slunk down in their seats while talking on the phone, presumably so the rest of us (including the police, of course) won't notice. Trouble is, this only makes it more likely that they're going to rear-end someone or run a red light.
Maybe it seems like a small thing to be complaining about, but not when you think about the possible consequences. We're seeing more collisions, cars running off of the road, and vehicles hitting pedestrians. Sure, there are many causes for accidents, but I'd bet that people talking on cell phones and texting while they're driving (yikes!) accounts for a significant percentage of them.
I think the only way to really change the situation is for all of us to stop our friends and family from doing it. When you get in a car and the driver puts the phone up to his ear to make a call, say "Don't you have a hands-free kit?" If they say they don't, tell them they should have one because it makes talking on the phone easier, and safer (and of course, legal). A little negative feedback can go a long way.
Using a cell phone while driving is only one of the many distracted driving problems. I have seen people eating and drinking, reading newspapers or maps, putting on makeup or combing their hair or doing some other things that you don’t talk about and polite company. But I think these things are so pervasive that preventive enforcement is almost impossible. But I agree that reminding people is a good idea.
Using a cell phone while driving is only one of the many distracted driving problems. I have seen people eating and drinking, reading newspapers or maps, putting on makeup or combing their hair or doing some other things that you don’t talk about and polite company. But I think these things are so pervasive that preventive enforcement is almost impossible. But I agree that reminding people is a good idea.
I agree. I think it is ridiculous how out of hand cell phones have become. You have people that would forget there heads before they forgot their cell phones. There is by far too many people on the road down here especially during the summer time to be talking on a cell phone while driving. PULL YOUR CAR OVER AND CHAT! Everybody is in a rush here and risks there lifes everyday by participating in brainless activities that can also injure an innocent person!
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