The other day I (Riverguy) ran into my old friend Boomer, and I asked him how things are going, and what he's been up to lately.
He said, "River, I've been watchin' a lot of movies, doing some walks on the boardwalk, and keepin' up with family stuff on Facebook. tell you the truth, I'm a little bored. Wish there was something different see and do."
I told him "Well, there are some art events coming up locally. Believe it or not, there's quite a few professional artists in town, and they're going to be showing their work at a few places coming up over the next few weeks. What don't you check out some of those events?"
"River...seriously, me? I don't know much of anything about art. Besides, I'll bet it will all just be boat pictures...seen lots of that stuff around here already."
"Boom, you'd be surprised...these local artists do all kinds of work -- all different subjects and styles of work. Paintings, photos, hand-made stuff, glass really IS interesting. I'm telling you that you won't be bored. You want something new to do -- try it! Plus, you'll help out the town by support the local art community."
"Wait a minute -- what does lookin' at art work have to do with supporting the town?"
"Boomer -- here's what happens....once you get some active art groups in town, the next thing you know you get some coffee houses, then galleries, which then brings antique shops. Once you've got places with people coming into town, then more restaurants come in to feed those people. Then maybe a brew pub opens up. Guess what? Now you've got LOTS of stuff to do."
"Ok...well, maybe. So...what are these shows coming up?"
I then proceeded to tell him about the following:
ART IN THE PARK -- an outdoor art show in Huddy Park, Saturday August 23rd, from 11am to 5pm. They'll be live music there, too.
OLDE TIME ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES FAIRE, Saturday, August 30th, 10am to 4pm. Art, antiques, music. Rain or Shine.
HARVEST ARTS FESTIVAL -- Street festival on Washington Street, Downtown Toms River -- Saturday October 18th, 11:30am to 5pm. Art, music, beer garden, scarecrow contest, games, and much more.
So...Riverguy and Boomer are going to these about you?