So, the weather is improving, even if it back-tracks on some days, and we're all starting to look ahead to getting out doors more, enjoying our yards, decks, and patios.
The trouble is, spring put some hurdles in our way before we can get to the fun stuff. First, the trees and flowers blooming bring out our allergies, which can really slow you down. Our homes and yards need maintenance and cleaning before we can settle down and enjoy them. Maybe your deck needs waterproofing, or a fence needs painting, or the garage finally needs to be cleaned out once and for all.
Our bodies also need some maintenace. A winter of sitting around, and over-eating over the holidays has added a few pounds to most of us. So, a workout plan and diet may be in order.
All of this has me asking...When do we get to the fun part? Can't I cut down on some of these spring projects and chores?
In that spirit, Toms River Online has put together a "Springtime Resources" page. The page has a list of many the directories of local businesses that can help get your house and property into shape, so that you can get on with the serious business of spring fun.
As for the workout program... I recommend checking out our directory of "Gyms and Fitness Clubs"...remember that after spring comes summer days at the beach. Are you going to be ready to put that swimsuit on?