Hey...everybody should have an enjoyable summer during the normal course of things...that's why we live want to live along the coast -- to make the most of the beach and the ocean. This year Riverguy senses a little more urgency in most people's desire to enjoy themselves.
I think this is because a lot of us have had our head in the sand (no pun intended). I noticed a growing trend in people: they don't want to know about anything serious. They don't want to hear about the latest economic woes. Fukishima? Where was that again (reminder -- triple nuke meltdown in Japan; even the news media is glossing over it). Debt crisis? Real estate still tanked? Unemployment? Looming double-dip recession? You get the picture.
So...back to the urgency to enjoy....Most of us don't want to go around burdened with the weight of the world, but somewhere in the back of our minds, we still know things are not going so well. So the natural urge to go out and have some fun, to distract ourselves, to not focus on the world's problems. That is what helps keep us in balance.
Here's Riverguy's take on it: Go out, have the fun you crave...have the best summer you possible can. But...we will have to eventually catch up with what's going on, and face our problems. We need to especially pay attention in the fall, when it comes time to vote. Hold your elected officials accountable. Be prepared for hard times, but continue to hope for the best.
Have a great summer!