In New Jersey, drivers must yield to pedestrians in marked crosswalks. This well-intentioned law needs to be repealed. People on foot should take responsibility for looking both ways and crossing when the way is clear. To expect 4,000 pound vehicles to stop every time someone steps off the curve is ridiculous.
The end result of this law has been that pedestrians routinely walk into crosswalks without even looking. They've been empowered by the law to do so, and they've developed an "attitude" along with it. You can see this in downtown Toms River on any busy weekday. Vehicles passing the library or the corner of Robbins & Washington have to jam on their breaks as people move right into the path of oncoming vehicles without even looking. These walkways have a cone in the center of the street. This is supposed to signify a right-of-way for the pedestrian, but all it does is create a traffic hazard. The walker is in jeopardy of getting run over, and the vehicle may get hit from behind because of the sudden stop. Let's use some common sense. Get rid of the cone AND the law...let pedestrians pay attention to traffic, look both ways, and cross when the way is clear.