After the events of the past week, it's only natural to wonder..."could it happen here?" The easy answer is yes, , of course it could, a deranged person can always find a way to bring havoc down on the rest of us. But this is a bit of a cop-out....don't we at least owe it to ourselves to re-double our security efforts, especially in the age of terrorism?
Recently, I had to deliver an item to a building on a local campus. I'm not a student, and am not "typical student-age" -- so when I pulled up to entrance of the campus, I expected the guard in the guardhouse (at least there was someone there!) to stop me and ask who I was, and what business I had on campus. Quite to the contrary -- the guy just waved me on -- and was actually annoyed that I stopped (I interrupted his cell phone conversation). I thought to myself "good thing I'm not a mad bomber...this is too easy."
So...I think the security folks at the colleges, the mall, and the nuclear plant should take recent events as a signal to review all of their procedures. Maybe they are, but we in the general public should keep reminding them...just to be sure!